Come and join us!
Saturday, September 26, 8 pm (Doors open 7:30 pm)
The PARC (Playwrights Atlantic Resource Centre) Cabaret
LOCATION: 1313 Hollis Street
DaPoPo is pleased to co-host this lineup of regional playwrights sharing from their own works. Featuring readings by Wendy Lill, Juanita Peters, Dan Bray, Jamie Bradley, Michael McPhee, Gillian Clarke, Lita Llewelyn, Ryan Griffith and Brian Downey. Food, beverages, and a great time to be had by all. Admission and concessions are by donation (cash only); please join us!
DaPoPo Sells Out!
LOCATION: TNS Living Room, 2353 Agricola
We work very hard not to betray our principles, so please read that catchy title as a hopeful prediction of the outcome of this SUPER DUPER YARD SALE. We're cleaning out our props and costume store, probably some books and other odds n ends. Bring your gold and silver in exchange for treasure.
Yummies also available.

Doors open at 7:00 pm
The HIT Book 3rd Anniversary Celebration Triumvirate
LOCATION: The Waiting Room, 6040 Almon St.
ADMISSION: $10 per event/ $20 for all three (suggested)
The Halifax Indie Theatre book first came to life in October 2012, born out of a desire for more people to know about the eclectic and vibrant theatre being created on a regular basis in Halifax. Focusing on independent works (often non-venued, professional or semi-professional groups), it is a zine-style brochure produced bi-monthly to help support, promote, and celebrate Haligonian theatre.
A triumvirate of activities to take in: Check out the PANEL DISCUSSION, PERFORMANCE, and DANCE PARTY!!!

Panel Discussion: Selling Art or Selling Out
moderated by HIT Book creator, Colleen MacIsaac
with guests Sharon Pollock, Emmy Alcorn, Tessa Mendel, Kathryn MacLellan, Lee-Anne Poole & Juanita Peters
Co-sponsored by Playwrights Atlantic Resource Centre (PARC)
LOCATION: The Waiting Room, 6040 Almon St.
Reservations strongly recommended
Admission by donation. $10 suggested, cash or cheque at the door

PERFORMANCE: I'm Doing This For You by Haley McGee
LOCATION: The Waiting Room, 6040 Almon St.
Click here for show details. I'm Doing This For You
LOCATION: The Waiting Room, 6040 Almon St.
Raise a glass to the HIT Book's 3rd birthday and help us kick the Live-in Festival into HI GEAR by bustin' out your best moves with your buddies.

All for a Pair of Black and White Shoes: Politics and the Plays of Clifford Odets
A Lecture by Steve Cloutier with scenes performed by DaPoPo Theatre
LOCATION: Paul O’Regan Hall, Halifax Central Library
We are super excited to have lecturer (and Marxist) extraordinaire, Stephen Cloutier, give a compelling look at the politics of Clifford Odets' oeuvre. Director and critic Harold Clurman called Clifford Odets the most gifted American playwright since Eugene O'Neill. Odets engaged with the social debates of his time. Gaining prominence in the 1930s as a member of the famed Group Theatre, he would eventually be caught up in the paranoia of the McCarthyist Red Scare of the 1950s. From his earliest play about a strike by taxi drivers to his later plays that expose the façade of Hollywood superficiality and hypocrisy, Odets shows the daily struggle between the dreams and desires of the individual and the dehumanizing, conformist demands of Twentieth Century Capitalism. Replete with anecdotes, anathema and actors performing select scenes from Odets plays, this is one not to miss.
Born in Halifax and raised in Sackvegas, Stephen Cloutier received his PhD from the University of Leicester (United Kingdom). He wrote DaPoPo's second ever show ("The Modern World: A Political Love Story") and contributed to "13 Ways at Looking at a Madman". He currently teaches part-time at St. Mary's University.
Monday, October 12, 6:00 pm
Thanksgiving Potluck
A Live-in Tradition, with a TWIST!
We'll bring the turkey, you bring yourself, a plate & cutlery, beverage of choice, plus a dish to share with the gathering.
RSVP to receive location details and let us know if you have your own transportation, can offer car pool space or need a lift. And we'll figure it out from there!
Gobble gobble!
Wednesday, October 21, 6:00 – 7:00 PM
Book Launch: Using the Creative Arts for Transformational Learning by Tessa Mendel
LOCATION: The Company House, Halifax
Open to all: refreshments served
This comprehensive resource offers educators, artists, and community workers an innovative approach to using the creative arts in their work.
“Part memoir, part work-book, part-theory, part exercise-guide, this is a must-read and must-use book for any arts practitioner interested in personal and social change.”
Rose Adams, Artist and Educator, Foundation Faculty, NSCAD University
“Read this book! Its pages will inspire and guide artists, adult educators, and activists to create meaningful arts-based opportunities for personal and social change.”
Terri Whetstone, Artist and Executive Director, 4Cs Foundation, Nova Scotia
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